EC2, CodePipeline, Lambda, Route 53, S3, RDS...
From Louisiana, US. I have rich experience in full-stack web development with a proven track record as a Team Leader. Skilled in Web, Cloud, AI/ML and DevOps Technologies.
EC2, CodePipeline, Lambda, Route 53, S3, RDS...
Azure DevOps, VMs, Blob Storage, Functions...
Flask, Django, Numpy, Beautiful Soup, Jupyter Notebook
ES6+, React, Angular
DS&A, SpringBoot, Java Core
Github Actions, Github Desktop, Git Workflow
Bash Scripting, Ubuntu Server, LAMP Stack, Nginx
Docker, Docker Compose
Complete CI/CD using AWS CodePipeline, AWS Code Deploy, AWS Code Build and EC2 instance.
Deployment of Static Sites in AWS using CloudFront, S3, Route 53 and AWS Certificate Manager.
Java CMD Application using JDBC, Hibernate to execute CRUD operation on Student Database in Docker Container.
Obsidian Second Brain on various Dev Tools and knowledge base including programming, cloud, tools, and linux.
Scrape the website for information, embed it using OpenAI and make chat bot to answer to website related questions.
Static site using Jekyll for Portfolio website leveraging easy CMS.
Use of Common Machine Learning Algorithms for malware analysis and detection.
Images Gallery using React, React Query, Axios and Unsplash Images API.